Great! But...
Itsa great game. I love it. I really do. Its just that everything is so dang expencive. 300 coins for tweezers? It costs less at the dollar tree. Gems? What the crap! Who here wants gems? You cant get any! And hours on end for a freak in NAP?!?!?! Screw My Emmas creators. It was fun when I started. Now she hasnt gotten any older, Im level 10, almost 11 and shes still a toddler. Nothing like the picture of the app. Nothing like the pictures in the game review. Shes still fat, wearing diapers, demanding, and has blue eyes. I dont want a kid with blue eyes. Green is more my color, personally.but different ethnic groups. Im tired of this stupidness. Also, the ADDS!! God why!?! Please fix this loada crap.
Plkittens about
My Emma :)